Overview: I worked with my team to design an app that would reduce/eliminate voter suppression, in relation to the recent 2020 presidential election.
Goal: To create an app as a group that would eliminate the possibility of voter suppression
Time Allotted: 2 weeks
Main Role: Storyboard Editor
Rapid brainstorming at design sprint… and then we all presented our ideas. (mine was selected)
My idea: USPS app type tracking with FAFSA protocols/collaboration.
This tracking system would make lines reduced and thus eliminate voter suppression. This would digitally ensure that one has voted and their vote was successful. The app would also notify them of potential problems such as wrong spelling etc. and confirmation as well that their vote was counted. With the collaboration of FAFSA, the mailing system would be more secure and federally backed up in the case of tampering. This would also mean access to FAFSA’s data which includes, population, income, ethnicity per school district in every state and city making voters statistics even more accurate.
I then chose the role of Storyboard Editor to further visualize my idea in sketches and help make the presentation more accurate to the intended original idea.
(please click on the images and scroll through the images to the read the captions)

Sign up and confirm your identity

wait for confirmation

Once approved, enter reason for voting absentee, and enter new address

track your ballot online

receive absentee ballot and vote by mail

the ballot comes with a tracking envelope so you can track it again!

the app notifies you if ballot was successfully received or there is an error so that you may re-vote or call customer service.
Uploaded to Figma and presented in class!